Spiritual teacher, Guy Finley has said this about his experience of New Dimensions. “There are very few places on this earth that still hold what is real, true, and good. I know that New Dimensions is one of those places. The earnestness, the sincerity, all that we can hope for when we are seekers looking for an inlet into a new understanding of life, you will find on New Dimensions.”
Here are 4 programs that are special favorites of Justine Willis Toms gleaned from the 2022 program schedule. Even if you have already heard them, you may want to re-listen to harvest even more wisdom gems within these deep dialogues.
Committed advocate of the preservation of wilderness and an explorer of both the outer and inner wilderness, Brooke Williams is constantly looking to understand and experience the value of wild places and what that means for modern humans. Here we explore wildness for ideas, possibilities, and inspiration across the great divide in which we find ourselves as Americans. Read more »
Here we explore afterlife investigations such as near death experiences, after death communication, reincarnation, instrumental transcommunication, mediumship, and much more. Mishlove explores survival after death and whether or not consciousness is separate from the brain. Read more »
For those of us who are committed to a life of awakening and truth, Sluyter gives us deep insight into the writings of such luminaries as Mark Twain, William Blake, Ernest Hemmingway, Virginia Woolf, J.D. Salinger and many more. You’ll not be bored in his class as he takes us deep into the spiritual insights hidden in the writings of these revered literary geniuses. Read more »
This conversation encompasses a wide range of what it means to be human and life’s universal questions from very different perspectives. Valente responds to Trappist monk Brother Quenon’s question, “Does this bring you closer to God?” by saying “I think that’s the question we have to ask ourselves all the time in our work. Is this bringing me closer to the Divine Presence? Read more »