In these times, with political rhetoric coming at us from all sides, it is important to take a moment and listen to our wise elders. Gary Snyder offers specific advice on practical ways to improve your personal relationship to wild nature. Wendell Berry is a revered poet, philosopher, and farmer whose wisdom is deeply rooted in soil. Physicist Fritjof Capra is a whole systems thinker who talks of the interconnectedness of all life. And Terry Tempest Williams always lifts our hearts as she encourages us to “Stand our ground for the places we love.” Allow yourself to be inspired by the words of these four wisdom masters, found on these four programs especially selected from the New Dimensions program archive.
Gary Snyder is a renowned poet, activist, and ecologist. “We have a long and respectable history of being deeply involved and totally at home in the natural world,” says Snyder, “and we can recapture that. We can live it again.” Read more »
This farmer, ecologist, and writer Berry speaks of enduring values, the wholeness of life, and the interdependence of all creatures (including humans). Berry’s self-discipline and ethical sense come through as he leads us from the microcosm of his Kentucky hill farm to the macrocosm of a sane and reasoned planetary vision based on personal integrity, faithfulness, and love. Read more »
At the heart of understanding living systems is the knowledge that everything is interconnected and interrelated. Out of this awareness comes the greatest challenge of our times – creating sustainable communities. Capra describes what he means when he suggests that we must shift from linear thinking to systems thinking. Read more »
Environmental politics becomes a matter of sensual passion rather than political correctness in this rich, colorful mosaic of thoughts on wildness, landscape, animals, and humans. It sparkles with gems of insight mined from Williams’ own profound sense of belonging in nature and includes the voice of the late Edward Abbey, maverick environmentalist and friend of hers. Read more »