Spotlight: How To Tap Into the Energy of Our Intuition and the Psychic Realm

POSTED July 20, 2022 IN

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What is “remote viewing”? How may we get intuition working in our lives? How does our biography become our biology? What are premonitions and how can you invite them into your life? The answers to these and many other questions are explored with these wisdom leaders in four programs, specially selected from the New Dimensions Program Archive.

Dean-RadinPsychic Phenomena: Fact Or Fiction?
with Dean Radin, Ph.D.

Program 2930
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Radin reveals high-tech strategies used in his controlled laboratory experiments to amass extensive and irrefutable data that demonstrates psychic phenomena do indeed exist: remote viewing, distant healing, intuition, place memory, and more. Radin is encouraged that interest in this field among scientists is growing quickly especially in the medical world. Read more »

 Belleruth NaparstekHow To Harness Your Psychic Power
with Belleruth Naparstek

Program 2628
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Naparstek, a psychotherapist, utilizes her psychic abilities in her private practice. She also tells us we can cultivate our psychic abilities and offers ways to do just that, stressing that psychic ability can often be brought out by intense and traumatic experiences. She suggestions the best method to approach psychic abilities is with compassion and an open heart. Read more »

Program 2576
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“Biography becomes biology,” says Myss, a pioneer in the field of energetic medicine who is able to diagnose illness by intuitive means. She presents bold insights about why we are afraid of becoming healthy as well as how we can overcome these fears and enter a new planetary era of maturity and empowerment. Read more »

Larry DosseyA Premonition About Premonitions
with Larry Dossey, M.D.

Program 3313
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Millions of people have reported having a dream or intuition that later came true. There is a growing mountain of research, compelling data, and fascinating theories about what it all means. Collectively, Dossey sees this information as one more clue that we’re all connected, each of us part of a great continuum that extends beyond space and time. Read more »

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