Spotlight: Michael Meade: Stories For The Soul

POSTED October 8, 2023 IN

Michael Meade, raconteur of the highest order, has the ability to tap into ancestral sources of wisdom and reveal to us our soul’s original agreement as we walk our pilgrim’s path. Along with you, we sit at the feet of Meade as he beguiles us with his opening words, “Once upon a time.” We are transported into mythic realms that are grounded in the here and now. You’ll want to listen and relisten to these tales of wisdom in these four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions Archive.

Michael MeadeMythic Storytelling And The Ends Of Time
with Michael Meade

Program 3243
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We hear about the “ends of time” not only from religious quarters but from scientists as well. Could these many endings carry a different meaning without fear, and an opportunity for deeper understanding? Meade believes that the role of storytelling holds mythic truths and taps into imagination that reveals the beginnings amongst the endings. Read more »

Michael Meade

Re-Creating The World
with Michael Meade

Program 3448
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Even though it may seem like the end of things, Meade reminds us there are always beginnings embedded in the endings. He takes us on a mythological journey that tips the world towards renewal and says, “Why not find our own thread even in the midst of uncertainty and pain and learn how to weave and create?” Read more »

Michael MeadeA Crisis Of  Truth And Meaning, Recovering Soul In Times Of Change
with Michael Meade

Program 3652
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This deep dialogue is rich with metaphors, bringing a sharp focus to imaginative healing possibilities for these threshold times. Meade regales us with many myths that illustrate how we can heal the multiple cracks in the world by finding our own gifts, our own ways to work meaningfully in the world, and how we can pour our gold into the cracks of the world. Read more »

Michael MeadeLooking For The Deeper And Greater Unities
with Michael Meade

Program 3718
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Meade, once more, shares with us a cornucopia of myths, including Jason and the Argonauts, as we explore this dangerous and narrow passage we are entering in our collective history. He points out that, even with opposing viewpoints, we are all traveling together in one ship and that mythic imagination will carry us successfully forward during these threshold times.  Read more »

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