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We each carry wisdom within and by sharing our stories we remind one another of the power of grace that is available to all. Hear advice on how we can tap into that sacred mystery as these spiritual leaders share their wisdom on the power of prayer, the importance of storytelling, networks of grace, the conditions of the possibility of grace, and more. These four programs with wisdom leaders have been specially selected from the New Dimensions Archive of programs.
After spending nine years in a Catholic convent, Bernadette Roberts went on to earn degrees in philosophy and education, start a Montessori school, and raise four children. Here she shares the nature of self and its relationship with God, the action of grace in our lives, the spiritual value of suffering, the meaning of the Virgin Mary, the purpose of prayer, and more. Read more »
Prayer is our most universal and yet individual way of communicating with the divine, of connecting with the infinite dimensions of our being. Here we explore some of the many ways we pray. Read more »
If Saint Teresa of Avila were alive today, would she be running for public office? If Julian of Norwich were around, would she be completing a doctorate in psychoneuroimmunology? Would Saint Clare of Assisi run a nonprofit? Would any of these women choose a cloistered life if they were born today? Flinders traces the “mother-line” of centuries-past holy women. Read more »
Andrew Harvey shares his experience of why it takes rigorous discipline to be an artist, why solitude matters, how to cultivate our personal passions, how “networks of grace” can save humanity, and more. He speaks eloquently on how to cultivate sacred friendships and speaks of his “soul brother,” 88-year-old pianist and teacher, Seymour Bernstein, a true wisdom elder. Read more »