Graphic and composite by New Dimensions
Buddhist teacher Ethan Nichtern describes ”heartmind” as an entwinement of our head, the cognizing, logical, reasoning intelligence, and our heart, the feeling intuitive, emotive intelligence. He exhorts us to turn our heartmind into our home – a place to live that is safe – and encourages us to welcome our emotions, whatever they may be, and then let them go. It is about having a relationship with our own mind. He speaks of a transformational activist as one who practices a kind of wholistic approach. It is the balancing of three levels of awareness: the personal, the interpersonal, and the collective. These four programs, selected from our archive, feature wisdom teachers Ethan Nichtern, Andrew Harvey, Dean Sluyter, and Gail Brenner, who explore our rightful inheritance of vitality, and how we may reclaim our passion.
Awake-ism: The Heartmind of Buddhism
with Ethan Nichtern
Program 3550
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“Awake-ism,” in Nichtern’s view, means to be aware, open, and compassionate. He looks at Buddhist thought as a psychological, philosophical, and ethical system that can be useful for anyone. His advice for living in these times is to maintain our awareness as we move between very personal spaces and collective spaces. Read more »
Of Rumi And Apocalypse
with Andrew Harvey
Program 2451
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Harvey tells us of the life and work of Rumi, an ecstatic thirteenth-century Sufi poet. He expands Rumi’s wondrous messages into a transcendental guide for our troubled times. He says no matter how drastic the situation, possibilities are available to us, “The Divine is here, wanting to help, and trying to seep through every crack.” Read more »
The Many Vehicles Of Meditation
with Dean Sluyter
Program 3540
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Sluyter says not to worry about thoughts during our meditation; they are inevitable. Often we must deal with such sounds as voices or traffic rolling by. He instructs that, “It’s all a texture of the silence, which actually you are at your core. It’s just resting in what you are in your own essence.” He also suggests that we find the meditation style that suits us. Read more »
The Direct Route to Abiding Peace
with Gail Brenner, Ph.D.
Program 3551
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Brenner says we are not limited, damaged or inadequate. She critiques the self-help movement as perpetuating the idea that we are in need of fixing, and holds the provocative view that nothing needs to be changed or fixed to be happy. She posits that we have the capacity to spontaneously find inner peace by shedding the stories and negative emotions that cause us pain. Read more »