Spotlight: Moving From Anxiety to Calmness

POSTED March 18, 2020 IN


In the culture of anxiety and panic over the unfolding news of the coronavirus, how can we remain calm and tune in to trustworthy guidance? As we are energetically both affecting others and being affected by them, it’s important to focus on our own well-being and the well-being of others. How can we tap into the “calm strength” needed in order to face the cultural panic of daily reports? Is fear and worry our most effective strategy? Will worry and panic serve our well-being and support positive action? How can we transform fear-based thoughts into positive action? How can tapping into our inner silence through our meditation practice lead us to more effectiveness and clarity? These four programs, with wisdom leaders specially selected from our program archive, advocate growing our calmness to help us be more effective and resilient in our lives and will serve to help us tap into our own trustworthy guidance that leads to more effective and resilient lives.

Rick HansonChanging Our Brain for Resilience
with Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

Program 3638
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Hanson assures us that the core of our being is “calm strength.” It is the background of who we are; it is a fundamental quality, the “wallpaper of our mind.” This dialogue is filled with practical wisdom to support us in growing calmness and well-being so we may be more effective and resilient in our lives.  Read more»

Effective Questions to Change Negative Habits of the Mind
with Ora Nadrich

Program 3635
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Ora Nadrich shares a series of fundamental and effective questions we can ask ourselves when we pay attention to our negative thoughts. Her “Says Who!” Method can transform fear-based and worried thoughts into thoughts that serve our well-being and support positive action.  Read more»

Dean Sluyter

Dean Sluyter

Living With Less Fear
with Dean Sluyter

Program 3644
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As we deal with the many successes and challenges of life, Sluyter guides us in understanding the benefits of natural meditation and shares that tuning into our inner luminous silence is actually what we are at our deepest core level. He says that love is a lack of otherness and reminds us that fear and love cannot occupy the same place at the same time.  Read more»

Ellen TaddConnecting With Our Inner Guidance
with Ellen Tadd

Program 3633
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A few subjects covered in this dynamic dialogue include: How did Tadd discover her ability to be a clairvoyant? How did Tadd discover her spirit guides? What process can we use to move from anxiety to calmness? How can we manifest true fulfillment beyond mere happiness? What is the relationship between destiny and choice? How our deepest fears are linked to a core wound. Read more»

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