Biologist Elisabet Sahtouris says “Life gets creative in a time of crisis.” Another cosmologist, Brian Swimme, suggests that a new story of the universe may come to serve the modern world as primitive myths served in their time, embracing modern scientific knowledge as well as ancient spiritual concepts. Prepare to be amazed, inspired, and enlivened by these 4 profound interviews specially selected from the New Dimension program library.
Biologist Sahtouris is optimistic about the future and points to biology saying, “Life gets creative in a time of crisis.” She explains how the survival of bacteria, which have been on the planet for over four billion years, has given us a model of how we may evolve into a mature species. She’s co-author, with the late Willis Harman, of Biology Revisioned. Read more »
Here Gober talks about how scientific materialism is giving way to a new scientific paradigm where matter is derived from consciousness. He has compiled extensive research and gives numerous examples from many reputable physicists that turn the reigning scientific paradigm upside down and he indicates what this implies for our everyday lives. Read more »
According to cosmologist Swimme, science, humanity, and the natural world have all suffered from a myopic fragmentation of scientific knowledge. Yet, some voices in physics today are beginning to echo the wonder and mystery of ancient mystical intuitions, and to present a more unified view of the nature and history of the world. Join Swimme in this awesome interview. Read more »
Beginning with her experience of psychic phenomena from early childhood, Currivan was led on a quest of a life-long exploration of the nature of reality. Her research has come to show that information is as real as anything we call physical reality. Here we explore the reality of informational physics and why this matters in our daily lives. Jude Currivan is the author of The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation. Read more »