Spotlight: Developing Spiritual Hospitality

POSTED March 3, 2021 IN

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These four programs specially selected from the New Dimensions archive will cover such topics as: How accessing nature and art can revivify our relationship to the divine. Why we must not settle for “off the rack” spirituality. What is a practical process in which to tap into divine intelligence for guidance? What is a theory of God that is based on science? What helps when we no longer feel our familiar old connectedness with our spiritual path? Why keeping a “Sabbath” in our life is a radical act and more.

Thomas MooreReimagining a Religion That Feeds Your Soul
with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Program 3493
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This is a time for us to step away from the dogmas of the religions of our youth and set our spiritual compass according to our personal values and philosophy as we search for a religion that feeds our souls. Moore says “we need not settle for an off the rack” religion but can discover one that is rooted in our own unique experience.  Read more »

May McCarthyMeeting Daily With Our Chief Spiritual Officer
with May McCarthy

Program 3589
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Executives can spend hours in daily meetings to ensure the success of a company. What if that commitment can be applied to your own personal life? May McCarthy says we should consider working with a “Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO)” whose job it is to make our goals a reality. Our part is be clear, be disciplined, pay attention, and act.  Read more »

Finding A God That Is Real
with Nancy Ellen Abrams, J.D.

Program 3595
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In this deep dialogue we look at a new theory of God based on science. Abrams suggests that we need a God that can connect us spiritually to the “real” universe and can guide our now globally conscious species toward a long-term and honorable civilization. She describes emergent phenomena as well as the effectiveness of prayer.  Read more »

Mirabai StarrDigging A Deep Well To Our Spiritual Waters
with Mirabai Starr

Program 3444
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Mirabai Starr is a spiritual ecstatic. She’s gone deep into embracing the practices of many faith traditions. Here she shares the wisdom she discovered on her interspiritual path. She’s the author of God of LoveRead more »

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