Spotlight: Across the Divide of Death – A Healing Process

POSTED March 13, 2019 IN

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Death is considered to be the ultimate human threshold. Allow yourself to be gently taken by the hand as you enter the profound wisdom and healing these four teachers share in their stories. Each, in their own way, has been profoundly changed in the process of being at the side of a loved one as they have made that final human voyage. These are deeply moving dialogues of the inescapable journey of soul.

Lisa Smartt

Conversations at the Threshold of Death
with Lisa Smartt

Program 3615
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Being with a person who is close to death may be difficult and confusing. Oftentimes it is mystifying to discern what they are talking about because their speech pattern can sound nonsensical. Lisa Smartt has done extensive research regarding the words spoken by many at this threshold and she advises us to be open to the experience our loved ones are having. Read more »

Matthew McKay

Breaking the Silence Across the Divide of Death
with Matthew McKay, Ph.D.

Program 3572
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Most people believe the loss of the body is the loss of life, but when Matthew McKay’s 23-year-old son Jordan was suddenly shot and killed, for Matthew, it was not the end of Jordan’s life. It was the beginning of a quest to penetrate the veil of death through some extraordinary communications. These virtual conversations led Matthew to co-author a book with his son. Read more »

Elaine Mansfield

Grief: A Spiritual Pilgrimage
with Elaine Mansfield

Program 3552
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Elaine and Vic Mansfield were married for over 42 years. For the last 3 years of their marriage, he was battling cancer. Elaine was his caretaker and the midwife to his dying. Here we explore, with candor, that journey and the healing that is available through life’s deepest crises. Read more »

Program 3449
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You will be inspired by Malden’s candor and clarity as she speaks about her experience of living through the debilitating disease and death of her husband and work partner. She likens this time in her life to being strapped in a roller coaster that you never bought a ticket for. Read more »

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