Spotlight: Four Powerful Voices of Wisdom Leaders

POSTED January 12, 2022 IN

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In this selection of programs we’re featuring four powerful voices of wisdom. They include dialogues about our participation in an on-going field of quantum intelligence that connects everything to everything and scientific data to show that even though our genes do not change, the way they are expressed can be influenced by our attitudes. We are highlighting the wisdom of a Christian priest and monk who unlocked the connection between Eastern and Western mysticism. And finally, we explore why religion matters in a world of scientism. You’ll want to add all four of these profound programs to your collection.

Father Bede Griffiths

East and West: The Mystical Connection
with Father Bede Griffiths

Program 1811
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A Christian monk who lived in India for over thirty years shares some remarkable insights about the contemplative life. He builds a bridge linking the Gnostic tradition of early Christianity and the mystical tradition streaming down through the centuries with the ancient philosophies of Vedanta and Buddhism. The results are fascinating and profound. Read more »

Huston SmithScientism, Religion, And The Way Out, Part 1 of 2 
with Huston Smith, Ph.D.

Program 2858
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Here the World Religions scholar extraordinaire shares how we have become blind to the invisible world of spirituality through our reliance on the scientific method as the sacred cow of our society.  Smith refutes E.O. Wilson’s view that the battle for the human soul in the 21st century is between science and religion. He also speaks on the potential of true religious practice. Read more »

Bruce Lipton

Controlling Your Genetic Blueprint
with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

Program 3093
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Bruce Lipton and other cellular biologists have discovered that our genetic blueprint is not static. While our genes do not change, the way they are expressed may be very much within our control. He tells us, “Cells need the brain to interpret the world and feed back to them what they should be doing to keep this whole system alive and floating.” Read more »

Bathing In The Intelligent Force Of The Universe
Gregg Braden

Program 3186
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At the crux of Braden’s experience is the observation, now scientifically verified, that there is an intelligent field of energy that bathes all of creation and connects everything in ways most of us in the West are only beginning to understand. Read more »

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