Spotlight: Longevity – The Gateway to the Second Half of Life

POSTED November 15, 2017 IN

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We live in a culture that is bent on avoiding aging, yet there is an enormous potential for cultural change as the generation of the sixties comes into its wisdom years. These four programs, specially selected from the New Dimensions Archive, open us up to the exciting gifts and possibilities of our wisdom years.

Sherry Ruth AndersonAging: A Tender And Ferocious Time
with Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D.

Program 3484
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When a realization flashes into our consciousness that we are aging, we tend to tighten up with fear. Negative images of our parents, grandparents, and friends loom before us. Anderson counsels to move from that gripping fear into curiosity. She shares poignant stories about elders and luminaries such as Marion Woodman. This is a deeply personal and moving conversation. Read more »

Mary Catherine BatesonAdulthood II: A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle
with Mary Catherine Bateson, Ph.D.

Program 3382
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People are living longer, but this new longevity is not equivalent to an extension of old age or years added on at the end of life. Bateson describes a whole new stage of aging: Adulthood II. It is a time endowed with wisdom, health, and energy. It is a time to become the needed visionaries society is calling for. She’s the author of Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom. Read more »

Angeles ArrienAging And Saging
with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.

Program 3116
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Our culture is bent on avoiding aging. The problem with that is every one of us is aging every day. Arrien points to the enormous possibilities for cultural change as we come into our wisdom years. She opens a gateway to personal possibility and an affirmation that we truly can look ahead to the best years of our lives. Read more »

Susan Moon

Aging With Grace And Humor
with Susan Moon

Program 3374
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Travel with Susan Moon to get an inside view on the perils and joys of aging. With humor and deep insight, she encourages us to move forward in our aging with courage and hope. She talks about coping with “senior moments”, facing the death of loved ones and why long-term friendships matter. She is the author of This is Getting Old: Zen Thoughts on Aging with Humor and Dignity. Read more »

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