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Whether you are in a love relationship or still searching for one, these four programs gleaned from the New Dimensions archive offer deep insight for developing our ability to love and be loved. Treat yourself to a priceless visit with special master teachers.
To keep our car running in good order, we routinely have it serviced. Our relationships deserve no less attention. Dr. Campbell offers practical advice for sustaining our love relationships. Here we learn methods for turning common relationship conflicts into opportunities to foster love, trust, and intimacy. Read more »
Linda Carroll shares her insights into the reality of maintaining a lasting, loving relationship. She describes the stages of relationships, each with distinct characteristics and accompanying lessons. There’s an evolution happening within each relationship that forces us to make important decisions about ourselves and the trajectory of our personal growth. Read more »
Born in Burkina Faso, Sobonfu Somé is one of the first voices to bring African spirituality to the West. Somé finds that, living in America, “I am always looking for a community and finding I have to create my community if I want to have one.” Somé also explains her tribe’s views on romance, marriage, sexuality and the deep connections to the Earth and ancestors. Read more »
Susan Piver knows the joy of loving, the devastating groundlessness of betrayal, and the deep crushing loss when love goes away. But she also knows how to turn that trauma into something sacred, to learn the truth of who and what is most valuable in your life. She shows us how to gain authority over our pain and release its hold. Read more »