The late mythologist Joseph Campbell is a marvel to listen to as he brings us in touch with our mythic heritage. More than any other single individual, he has brought mythology into the American mainstream, significantly affecting our perceptions of the world around us and our shared human experience. He was featured in the six-part PBS series, “Power of Myth” hosted by Bill Moyers. The many conversations he had with Michael Toms can be found in this 13-part series in seven MP3 downloads from the New Dimensions Program Archive.
Part 1. THE MYTHIC JOURNEY. Campbell lays the groundwork for understanding the immeasurable value of myth to our lives.
Part 2. IN PURSUIT OF THE MYSTERY. Taking the Hero’s journey leads one into the darkest part of the forest where true wisdom lies.
Part 3. A SENSE OF WONDER. Campbell explores the richness of the mythologies of so-called “primitive” societies, the relevance of ritual, and the need to create a mythology reflecting the unity of all humanity.
Part 4. MYTHIC HORIZONS. The “essential drift” of mythology is that behind our apparent separateness is a fundamental unity among people.
Part 5. THE PATHLESS PATH. Describing the nature of the vision quest, Campbell explores the authentic Western spirit and the relevance of myth in restoring our relationship with the natural world.
Part 6. THE ETERNAL QUEST. Taking the risk of leaving the wasteland behind and living a spontaneous life is at the center of the mythic journey.
Part 7. THE DIVINE DANCE. From Christ to Buddha to Krishna to Mohammed, from the God of Abraham to the Great Spirit of the Native American, Campbell points out the deeper reality behind the masks.
Part 8. GATEWAYS TO MYTH. How to appreciate and understand our own myths is the question underscoring this conversation.
Part 9. ROOTS OF MYTH. Campbell speaks of his early stirrings, and in the process lays the foundation for understanding the world of myth.
Part 10. THE HEART OF MYTH. “Myths do not come from a concept system; they come from a life system…from where the heart is, and where the experience is” says Campbell.
Part 11. FOLLOWING YOUR BLISS. Heeding the “call of the Hero” and following your heart’s longing is the challenge of contemporary times.
Part 12. ADVENTURES IN MYTH. Campbell tells us why the quest is the highest adventure and how its pursuit will transform our lives.
Part 13. THE UNIVERSAL MYSTERY. Here Campbell discusses the four functions of mythology, and how it operates in all our lives.