Special Project in Need of Funding

POSTED April 25, 2018 IN
ideas, inspiration, coffee

Image source: Bigstock | ©Flynt

It is becoming imperative that we upgrade the main computer for New Dimensions. It is now over 7 years old and is not robust enough to keep up with the demands of our growing technology requirements.

The challenge with upgrading the computer is that it will involve upgrading to a new operating system. Upgrading to a new operating system means that our database software will need upgrading as well – a multi-step process that will likely take weeks to accomplish with many trouble-shooting sessions needed.

Justine Willis TomsI know that, at first glance, these details may not be all that interesting or important to you. However, this technology is the backbone of our ability to reach out and bring you the amazing leaders, explorers, mystics, artists, and much more. All of our membership donor information, all of our source files for program descriptions, all the books we’ve received, all the station lists are kept in that database.

My research shows that even with the full participation of our team of in-house volunteers and technicians this upgrade will cost at least $10,000 to fully implement and test.

We need an angel donor to help with this project. We’ve put it off until it is becoming quite critical. We know there are hosts of angels, geniuses, artists and authors – investors in the future – who are now reading this request. This is the time to invest in the system that keeps our programs vital, available, retrievable, and a resource for generations to come. There never seems to be a good time to step forward and tackle such a huge infrastructure job, but believe me, now we must.

Are you one of the people who can join us in investing in the voices sharing ancient wisdom and modern practices that create the change of consciousness that transforms the world? If so will you? If you will, or know someone who can help us with this critical need, please let us know. Please contact me, Justine, at info@newdimensions.org.

With gratitude,

Justine Willis Toms,
Co-founder, Host
New Dimensions Radio

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