Image source: Dreamstime | ©Chrisharvey
For many decades New Dimensions has been an incredible pioneering support for what I feel is a collective shift of consciousness for humanity. It’s importance now is as relevant, if not more relevant, than it’s ever been. We are in a global emergency where we’re in an unsustainable situation around the world and New Dimensions is a beacon of light; it’s a beacon of hope as it brings many different views and perspectives all of which support the opportunity to come together, hold hands, and move forward as a family of humanity.
Jude Currivan, Ph.D. author of The Cosmic Hologram
Hours of Inspiration Are Made Possible by Your Support
We are heartened by those of you who have responded to our need with your financial support. Thank you. For those of you who have yet to renew or who have never become a member of “Friends of New Dimensions” won’t you please take the time to financially support this broadcasting endeavor? We’ve slashed our budget to the bone, but the monthly bills still need to be paid.
With best wishes and deep appreciation,
Justine Toms
Co-founder, Volunteer Executive Director, and Host
P.S. Please consider adding New Dimensions to your will or living trust. We would love to welcome you as a legacy donor which honors the philanthropic leadership and vision of individuals who have so thoughtfully provided for the future of New Dimensions through a planned gift. Thank you for your kind and generous contribution.