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Take a moment to get in touch with how some particular New Dimensions program has touched you. Recall a moment when the perfect words of wisdom spoke to your heart. As you know so well, New Dimensions is making a big difference in people’s lives. And with your financial contribution it will continue to touch your life and the lives of countless others.
New Dimensions is an antidote to despair and hopelessness in these perilous times. By listening to New Dimensions, you are feeding yourself positive images and are reinforcing “active hope” for the future. Because of you we continue to provide a media diet of practical and grounded wisdom.
As we pay for food for our bodies, we need to pay for food for our souls. If you have contributed to the financial well-being of New Dimensions, thank you; we are deeply grateful. If you have yet to become a financial contributor, please act now.
Please see the list of thank you gifts you will receive for your donation.
Most sincerely,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-Founder, Volunteer Executive Director & Host