October Broadcast Schedule

POSTED October 19, 2022 IN
Archived Broadcast Schedules, What's New

Free Listening Air Dates

The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date.  Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening.  All of these featured programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.

David Gibson

Airing October 5- 11, 2022

The Healing Power Of Sound
with David Gibson
Program 3576

Sound is medicine, according to the research of David Gibson. Every person, emotion, and ailment has a tone. Sound and frequency can be used to influence mental states, enhance human experience, and heal disease. He explains how music therapy is being applied in healthcare. “It’s unbelievable what’s been happening with people just by using sound and music.”

Airing October 12 – 18, 2022

The Old Future Is Gone
with Wes Jackson, Ph.D. & Robert W. Jensen, Ph.D.
Program 3767

If our future is one of limitation, how may we face it with courage to do the best job with what is possible? Even though easy solutions may not be apparent it does not make asking hard questions irrelevant. According to our guests, what are the four hard questions we must be asking at this time.

Stephen G. Post

Airing October 19 – 25, 2022

Offering Comfort And Dignity To Deeply Forgetful People
with Stephen G. Post, Ph.D.
Program 3768

As our population ages with its emphasis on hyper-cognitive power and productivity, we must begin to acknowledge the equal moral status of people with physical and cognitive disabilities as someone not less significant than that of someone who is more lucid of mind. And, we must better support those who support this growing population.

Airing October 26 – November 1. 2022

The Embodied Spiritual Path
with Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D.
Program 3769

This deep dialogue explores the embodied spiritual path and what it means to live more consciously in a human body. He says, “The body is 3 billion years of evolution and there’s a tremendous wisdom and intelligence in it that moves us towards wisdom, connection, mutuality, and interdependence.



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