The New Dimensions Team is so grateful for your participation with us in what Joanna Macy calls “The Great Turning”. By listening to New Dimensions, you are feeding yourself positive images and are reinforcing “active hope” for the future. The historian Howard Zinn has said “What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something.”
I am very much aware of the power of imagination. All things that are manifested are born twice; first of the imagination and then into the world.. This need to reinforce “active hope” is what New Dimensions provides. It reminds us to imagine together a world that supports all life in the best possible ways.
As we pay for food for our bodies, we need to pay for food for our souls. If you have contributed to the financial well-being of New Dimensions, thank you; we are deeply grateful. If you have yet to become a financial contributor, please act now.
We are pleased to be able to send you a thank you gift for your donation.
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host
You can make an annual membership donation, set up a secure and reliable monthly RECURRING donation – OR – make a single donation here. We are pleased to be able to send you a thank you gift for your donation of $45 or more.