New Dimensions is critical because we have so much to learn from one another and so much intelligence locked up in various communities and in the minds of various individuals that never sees the light of day. New Dimensions is the one forum that allows it public airing.
Charles Garfield, Ph.D. author of
The Last Gift: Giving and Receiving Peace
When a Loved One is Dying
We are awash in a deluge of data because access to information is rapidly changing and morphing, The big question is how does one sort through gazillion bits of information to find the nuggets of wisdom.
As you know, the New Dimensions program series continues to be a most precious and relevant resource as it delivers a treasure trove of brilliant and consequential deep dialogues.
We’re constantly working with diligence to make this extraordinary library of wisdom reach out to new listeners, pointing them to this on-going and most illuminating resource.
No financial donation is too small (or too large).
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Thank you for your partnership!
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host
P.S. Please consider adding New Dimensions to your will or living trust. We would love to welcome you as a legacy donor which honors the philanthropic leadership and vision of individuals who have so thoughtfully provided for the future of New Dimensions through a planned gift. Thank you for your kind and generous contribution.