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This month you’ll be hearing from such luminaries as Terry Tempest Williams and John Gray. It’s an honor and deep pleasure to continue to bring these life-enhancing, deep dialogues to the airwaves.
Here is what John Gray had to say of his experience of New Dimensions:
“I’ve been doing interviews for over 40 years and coming on New Dimensions was such a pleasure because Justine truly does her homework, reads the book, explores all the potential questions and prepares me to give the best interview I’ve ever given. I think that if you’re really interested in getting to the truth, Justine is the best interviewer I’ve ever experienced. New Dimensions always takes us to another place that we haven’t been and it’s in that exploration of the new that we can continue to improve our life, to stimulate us and to experience more of who we are.”
John Gray co-author Conscious Men
and author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
John Gray eloquently expresses the importance of the kind of programming that New Dimensions serves up week after week.
We now ask you to join us by making a financial donation. It is through your contributions that we are able to continue to offer this enlivening broadcast endeavor. Your support matters!
With deep gratitude,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, host of New Dimensions