Each of us is capable of creating small or big changes in our own lives and in the world. These actions can have a ripple effect if we take time to focus on the needs and wants of our communities and by coming together as a coalition of support in mutual aid, mutual respect, and mutual understanding. However, this doesn’t mean that we need to overwhelm ourselves with the full responsibility of changing the world. Tygielski imparts useful and effective suggestions in how to connect our actions and words in the outer world from an inner source of self-care. She describes the Pandemic of Love which is essentially a nonprofit disruptor that offers direct aid, connecting a person who has a need with a person who wants to be of help. She reminds us that we can “Create massive ripples and changes in the world.” Even though problems can seem daunting and too big to solve, “We start to pare down and look at things on a smaller level (such as within our own families or our children’s schools). Once we start there, it is surprising how far reaching those effects are.”