Consciousness is changing for the better. Along with this leap in consciousness there is some amount of chaos. Toms presents four keys to finding and maintaining our true compass, our true direction in the midst of this great turning. She compares this time to that of a caterpillar inside the cocoon where it liquefies as imaginal cells begin to coalesce, soon to emerge as a butterfly. She suggests that “Each one of us are part of that collection of imaginal cells. We are the imaginal cells of the evolving human consciousness.” This is why we must not isolate ourselves. The first key is to get out into the corridors and rub shoulders with life. The second key is to stay curious because it is an antidote to fear. The third key is to remain optimistic because optimism is an antidote to worry. It is not a Pollyanna kind of optimism but a groundedness that keeps us from despair. Keeping this positive attitude helps us to remain in the game even though we may not know the outcome. As they say in AA, “don’t quit before the miracle happens.” And the fourth key is to gather with a circle of friends of the heart, people who support you in your fullness. Join Justine and be infected by her enthusiasm in this dynamic presentation.