The cosmos that is revealed by this opening of consciousness, far from being an empty place of dead matter and energy, appears to be filled with beings, creatures, spirits, intelligences, and gods that have through the millennia been intimately involved with human existence.
John Mack, M.D. (1929-2004) Head of the Department of Psychiatryat Harvard Medical School
and author of Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, and Spirits—
and Why Their Ongoing Interaction with Human Civilization Matters
“This inspires me because it reminds me to be aware of how much more there is beyond what I can ordinarily perceive.”
Mark Gober, author of An End to Upside Down Thinking:
Dispelling the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness,
and the Implications for Everyday Life
and An End to Upside Down Contact: UFOs, Aliens, and Spirits—
and Why Their Ongoing Interaction with HumanCivilization Matters