“One concept that has been especially inspiring for me comes from my fiction writing tradition which is to treat life as a story. The whole idea in a powerful story, like Moby Dick or The Alchemist, is to always have the character leaving the known world behind to go into the unknown world, chasing a very lofty, almost unattainable goal. Even if they don’t reach that goal, you think of them as a winner because they’re transformed and have completely changed themselves in the process. I feel this concept is very, very useful. When I’m making decisions I ask myself the question, “What story am I choosing: the safer known world option or an unknown world?” That’s a concept that is very inspiring for me.”
Karan Bajaj: Born and raised in India
and trained as a Hatha Yoga teacher
in the Sivananda ashram in South India.
He’s the author of the novel
The Yoga of Max’s Discontent