I want to know how the old one thinks, the rest are details.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Theoretical Physicist
“I thought when I read that as a young student, exactly, exactly! After reading that quotation, I just knew that I would spend the rest of my life wondering about how the old one, how God, thinks. And I then came across another statement from some Indigenous people in South America that reminded me of Einstein’s statement. They said: In order to become human, you must dwell. You must contemplate the immensity of the universe. I just love that. There’s all sorts of things that are needed in life today, we need Medicare, we need to find a job and all that kind of stuff. But both Einstein and these South American Indians are saying we need to dwell, we need to contemplate the deepest, deepest mysteries, the deepest immensities, these are the thoughts of God.”
Brian Thomas Swimme, Ph.D. Cosmoslogist
and author of Cosmogenesis:
An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe