Casey, a chronicler of the aquatic world, highlights the complexity and ecological importance of the ocean’s depths as she shares her personal and historical perspectives on exploring its mysteries. We are oddly unacquainted with its depths and importance, which make up more than 70% of Earth’s surface, notwithstanding its depth. Hear her reports on diving to the pulsing night-club-like life of the Twilight Zone (600-3300 feet) that is filled with bioluminescent creatures that sparkle and glow. Despite these delights, Casey points to the terrestrial bias and lack of funding for ocean exploration compared to space. More money is spent on space travel than on understanding the complexity and ecological importance of our ocean. Research shows how deep-sea mining could have severe consequences for the ocean’s ecosystem. There is a need for a better understanding of the ocean’s role in regulating the planet’s chemistry before engaging in any large-scale mining activities, notwithstanding the quadrillions of yet undiscovered animals that live and thrive there.