Questing for New Dimensions

POSTED September 10, 2023 IN


Like a German shepherd playing with a ragdoll, an insight grabbed my heart and mind and powerfully shook me from side to side. Over the Christmas holidays I realized I’m holding New Dimensions in trust for all who may be served by the wisdom, inspiration, and hope in these weekly broadcasts. New Dimensions has grown beyond its visionary founder, Michael Toms. It belongs to you and you’ve entrusted me to keep it healthy, strong, and viable.

With a lump in my gut I feel my uneasiness at not knowing the future; I can touch that place in me that is unsure if I’m fully up to the challenge of carrying out this cosmic assignment. As the trajectory of New Dimensions picks up speed I notice I grow more and more committed to the calling. I do it for the love of the quest. I’m questing along with all the listeners who, with me, are fully committed to expanding our view to encompass the largest truth we can firmly stand on.

I didn’t foresee what this mission would demand of me, which is to understand and take command of all facets of this public benefit corporation which includes preparing for and conducting interviews, e-newsletters and spotlights, station liaison, overseeing bookkeeping, and more. One of the tasks I enjoy is writing thank you notes to all of you who support New Dimensions with financial contributions. I’m also blessed to have a wonderful team who assist in all aspects of this work.

Most recently I’ve been preparing for an interview taping scheduled for the 21st of January. Priscilla Stuckey will be flying out from Boulder, Colorado. Her book, Kissed By a Fox, is a gem and I can hardly wait to introduce her to you.  I’m planning on airing the interview sometime in March. The list is long with her references and quotes of past New Dimensions’ guests: Wendell Berry, Carol Lee Flinders, Thomas Berry, Malidoma Somé, Terry Tempest Williams, Jane Hirshfield, Coleman Barks, and I’m only on page 100.

Unlike Michael who can speed-read, I’m a slow and methodical reader.  I have to take lots of notes and then crunch those notes down into a shorter form for the actual interview.  As I discover some new insight or run across a new poem that touches my heart I look forward to sharing it all with you, our loyal listeners.

Finally, when the time comes to sit down, face-to-face with our guest and I tell them what to expect in the interview, I end my spiel by saying, “At the end of my intro I’ll welcome our listeners to the program, and then I’ll welcome you.”  And when I say “listeners,” my arm goes up and I open my hand to the ethers and welcome all of you to the table. In that moment I’m totally aware of each and every one of you who I’m hoping will be inspired and as excited as I am to meet this guest.

One way you can join and support this endeavor is by a financial contribution. When I open the mail or do an overview of the donations made through the website, I’m heartened and I take another step on the quest, knowing I’m not alone. I have many companions who like the geese flying south for the winter are honking their encouragement to whoever is at the front of the V formation.  For this I thank you all and ask you to keep honking!!

By Justine Willis Toms
January, 2013 

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