Editor’s Desk: Spinning Plates

POSTED October 31, 2023 IN

Yesterday, as I was leaving my office, I noticed a greeting card on the floor. I have no idea how it got there but intuited that it was my invisible guides ringing the doorbell of my consciousness.

The front of the card was a picture of a sleeping cat. It immediately piqued my attention since I’m about ready to invite a new rescue kitty into my life.

The inscription inside said, “Celebrate like a cat today. Eat. Sleep. Ignore everyone who annoys you.” Followed by a handwritten note from a friend.

I figured this was a direct communication from The Cosmic Intelligence Agency (CIA) signaling me to contact my friend. Which I did.

After inquiring how she was, I shared a brief check-in of my own. I wrote that life for me these days is a bit overwhelming but I’m doing my best to take the next indicated step. It’s a challenge to not succumb and give-in to the many distractions that are doing their herculean efforts to divert me from the cosmic assignment that I am here to do. Along with the distractions, my life might be symbolized by the visual of a juggler keeping many plates spinning on top of sticks.

The only strategy that helps (but not all the time) is to make a note to myself and write down what tasks I’m committing to completing by the end of the day. I must admit that this only occasionally works. What I do know is that I work steadily all day long and when I stop long enough to look at the clock, I’m shocked to see that hours have passed and I haven’t yet begun on any of the tasks on my to-do list. So much of the time I’m working on something that is important yet far afield from my list. However if, at the end of the day, I manage to keep one of those “to-do” plates spinning as the others come crashing down, I feel it is a day well spent. And, as Scarlett O’Hara says, “Oh-fiddly-dee tomorrow’s another day.”


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