Editor’s Desk: On the Brink of the Election

POSTED October 30, 2024 IN

With the deluge of media frenzy around the election and all the various polls that toss us hither and yon on the relentless seas of election reports and polls, I continue to be on pins and needles.

I remember so vividly the 2016 elections and tuning in after the polls closed, looking forward to a grand celebration of our first woman president, only to be dropped into a black pit of lonely despair. It was midnight, I was alone, and there was no one to console me.

This time will be different. I’ll be celebrating the results with others as the election unfolds. However, if disaster strikes, I will not be alone.

Also, whenever fear strikes my heart, I visualize Kamala sitting behind the Resolute Desk, working with joyous enthusiasm as she fulfills her promises to all of us.

I’m also calling on the female Buddhist deity, Sitatapatra, who provides powerful protection. She represents the ultimate protective power of the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion, manifested as a female deity to safeguard practitioners from all manner of dangers and obstacles.

As I write this, I’m preparing for the upcoming interview with Douglas Grunther author of The Quantum & The Dream: Visionary Consciousness, AI, and the New Renaissance. He reminds us of the Hero’s Journey or, in this case, the Heroine’s Journey of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz story written by L.Frank Baum, first published in 1900.

Grunther points out that the hero of this tale is an adolescent girl, Dorothy Gale, and she is a most unique element that “faithfully models mythologist Joseph Campbell’s thoughts on the Hero’s Journey.”

I recall that when the late Michael Toms asked Joseph what he thought the new myth for the 21st century would be, Joe responded that predicting what myth will take hold of future generations is difficult. However, he added that he believed it will have something to do with the rising of the feminine.

Grunther ends the chapter entitled: A New Hero for the Modern Age with this paragraph. “Dorothy’s indomitable strength of vulnerability, emotional bonding, and collaborative instincts inform key insights from two brilliant contemporary women [Julia Butterfly Hill and Greta Thunberg] who “pull the curtain” on the materialist paradigm helping us recognize how we fit into the deeper patterns of Nature and can help grow seeds of the New Renaissance.”

May the power of the feminine take us forward as it fosters Nature’s intelligence of cooperation and collaboration over domination and control.

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