Editor’s Desk: Clickity, Clickity, Clickity, All the Way Home

POSTED August 25, 2024 IN
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Are you having trouble with your relationship with the platforms you are accessing on your smartphones, computers, iPads, etcetera? Are you encountering the frustration that I’m feeling as more and more of them are becoming automated? It wasn’t so long ago when working in a physical office situation that I could call out to a more technically savvy teammate to physically come over to my computer and get me out of some difficulties. And in just a few minutes I’m back on track.

No more am I able to have such immediate and personal attention. Now, like many of you, I’m flying solo, with no co-pilot on the seat next to me. It is a lonely flight over an immense digital ocean. My only contact with a navigator is a disembodied, virtual assistant with limited ability to be of specific help.

As my apps get upgraded (either automatically or manually) I find I’m spending hours getting “stuff” back in line as I liaison with a bodiless, souless entity that is more than frustrating, it’s vexatious.

Just multiply dealing with technology by 7 billion people and you can feel the frustration level on the planet today…


For my work in New Dimensions, off the top of my head, I’m using more than 25 different internet platforms and each one has its own unique democracies for signing in and using the platform. Plus, often they update their platform, so I must learn to use its “new and upgraded” forms.

For example, my HMO, Kaiser has upgraded its website and I am no longer able to message my doctor directly . . .Aaaaargh… So I tried to contact the phone number given for services. After following all the prompts and getting in line for a “real” person the line goes dead with only a dial tone remaining. The damn thing hangs up on me… I re-dialed and went through all the prompts 20 times (believe me I counted) with the same results. I can’t even drive to Kaiser anymore and wait in a member services office for a “live” person. No such physical department exists only a phone line that keeps hanging up… The same is true for PG&E.

And when I’m successful in figuring out how to use an updated platform I’m shocked by how many clicks it takes… Often I must have my iPhone close by to confirm my identity.

These businesses are eliminating human face-to-face contact. I’m sure there are good justifications for this, not the least of which is all the hacking and scamming that is going on these days.

Update. As I’m writing this, I’m multitasking. With my iPhone on my desk and headphones, I’m going through the Kaiser maze of numbers once more. As I’m button punching, miracle of miracle, I arrive at the shore and am greeted by a live person who, Aaaaargh, pushes me back into the message maze river. Finally, I arrive at the correct department (the territory looks familiar, I’ve been here before). The phone is ringing (I’m in excited anticipation, my destination is close) I’m docking at the right department. I visualize the landscape from when I was there for my last appointment. Alas, no “live person” is there to greet my arrival. I’m instructed, once more, to leave a message and they will call me back. Sigh…

I’m hearing the echo of my voice as I call out into the cave of clickity, clickity, clickity. “Is anybody there?” I wish I could conclude this essay with a more hopeful outcome. If anyone reading this has any constructive suggestions or hopeful advice, please feel free to contact me. You can do it through info@newdimensions.org.

Best wishes to us all as we meander through this new landscape void of corporeal life.


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