Image source: Detail from Laurie Doctor, “Vessels”, 2015, oil on wood
There are times when I need advice beyond my “normal” mode of operating. It is a time when my list of pros and cons don’t inspire me and consulting with friends does not enliven my heart to leap up with their well-intentioned advice. I feel the fire burning behind me but, truth be told, I’d rather be called ahead by the angels.
In order to do this, I’m emboldened to turn it over to a greater source of wisdom. This turning calls for a shift of my attention from my small, ego-identified self to another source of intelligence. I must ask for divine guidance. Others might call it intuition. Whatever it is called, I believe it’s tapping into a universal flow, or field, of wisdom and knowledge that exists beyond the “local” self. It’s where creative imagination exists.
For example: When my partner of 41 years died in 2013, I found myself situated in the position of “head honcho” of New Dimensions. Although I had worked side-by-side with Michael, I never had the bottom line responsibility of finding the funds to keep it all going.
The job in front of me felt like I had entered the fairytale of Psyche who was given the task of sorting a room heaped full of seeds and grains. As she despairs and wants to give up, a symbol comes to her. Ants. She calls out to them and they come and by morning all the seeds have been sorted.
Using this myth as inspiration, I sent a petition from my heart that I, like Psyche, would be supported. I asked for signposts to show up to guide me. And they came in surprising ways. The first one was in the form of an email announcement for a concert in Berkeley. I was just about ready to delete it because I didn’t want to drive 50 miles to attend a musical event. Remembering my prayer, I hesitated long enough to re-evaluate and decided to go. As fate would have it, sitting in the seat right next to me was someone Michael and I had worked with many years ago. He lived in the Midwest at the time and I was startled to find that he had now moved to the West Coast. He was, in fact, a person who could be of immense help to me in sorting out the seeds of my new position. I had no doubt that spirit had arranged this meeting and was grateful that my heart-mind noticed the invitation.
Here is how I go about building a bridge to become a better receiver to this open-hearted awareness.
I’m convinced that help is available to us and can come in surprising packages. All we need to do is ask. To quote the New Testament, Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”