Do you remember your dreams? It’s said that dream images come from our unconscious pool of wisdom and there’s much personal insight to be gained when we pay attention to the night murmurings of our dreamtime. Dreamwork is a viable means of knowledge of self. Dreams contain deep intelligence as we commit to valuing and honoring them by tracking, recording, and thinking about the messages they’re trying to reveal. Through our dreams we can discover the wisdom of our souls. Here Schiller gives us excellent advice in learning how to decipher our dreams with examples from Justine and others. She cautions us about interpreting someone’s dream and says that only the dreamer truly knows what the dream is about. Even so, that doesn’t mean we cannot make suggestions that may help others with blind spots by using phrases such as “If this were my dream.” Schiller affirms that “Dreams embody our hopes, fears, and creativity…They’re a permanent witness to our life’s journeys…They are portable, practical, and an unlimited resource.”