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This month you’ll be hearing from poet and philosopher Mark Nepo. I feel his newest book, The One Life We Are Given, is his best yet. He comes from such an authentic place as he illuminates the wisdom that is available in our own hearts. I have said about this book that it is like a fine wine that needs to be sipped and savored. It is a book one could spend a lifetime reading and rereading. He calls it a conversation.
Once more my visit with Mark moved and enlivened me. I was most honored and humbled to get this unsolicited message from Mark after the interview:
New Dimensions is a place where we can discover the roots of where everything is connected. A mark of a great interviewer is when the one being interviewed grows for the conversation. This has happened to me every time we talk. Justine Toms is a wise and generous interviewer and educator. The way she honors the work and enters it opens up the one eternal conversation of what it means to be here. She and New Dimensions keep the oral tradition of honest inquiry alive and well in the 21st century.
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With deep gratitude,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, host of New Dimensions