The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.
Listening is a skill that we have to learn. It takes effort, attention, patience, and practice. It’s a process that requires us to use different parts of our brain. Effective listening can improve our relationships and our jobs, as well as enhance our intelligence. Leslie Shore explains what it takes and what gets in the way.
Andreotti has noticed that there is way more kindness happening on a day-to-day basis than there is drama, negativity, and darkness. She shares with us ways we can expand our awareness and be a vessel of kindness and suggests that one of the strongest forms of kindness is to be a good listener. She is the founder of The Kindness Club.
Dreams embody our hopes, fears, and creativity. They come from our unconscious pool of wisdom as a viable means of knowledge of self as we commit to valuing and honoring them by tracking, recording, and thinking about the messages they’re trying to reveal. They’re a permanent witness to our life’s journey, a portable, practical, and unlimited resource.
Here we explore an optimistic and realistic look at how we can and must restore the health of our atmosphere to levels that support all life on this planet. Fiekowsky has extensively researched and come up with specific, concrete steps we can take that can bring about a restoration of the kind of healthy climate humankind has flourished under for 10,000 years.
The Cool Cities Challenge is a non-political grassroots effort that encourages the building of strong communities and support social ties around emergency preparedness and lowering of the carbon footprint. It encourages connections between neighbors block by block. The results translates into higher civic engagement, safer, and healthier neighborhoods.