The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date. Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening. All of these featured programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.
Revisit the four agreements that are steeped in Toltec philosophy and wisdom, as brought to us by don Miguel Ruiz. Be inspired by the new insights he shares with us after suffering a near-fatal heart attack that left him in a coma for nine weeks, during which time he traveled in a dream state between life and death.
Committed advocate of the preservation of wilderness and an explorer of both the outer and inner wilderness, Brooke Williams is constantly looking to understand and experience the value of wild places and what that means for modern humans. Here we explore wildness for ideas, possibilities, and inspiration across the great divide in which we find ourselves as Americans.
This deep dialogue uncovers many spiritual laws in everyday life. Millman gives us a taste of the four mentors who guided him on his spiritual quest. He calls these teachers The Professor, The Guru, The Warrior-Priest, and The Sage. They transmitted practical wisdom and spiritual laws for living wisely and well. These laws are immutable as gravity.
With extended longevity comes a chance to become a true wisdom elder. To leap from adulthood to elderhood we’re challenged to uncover our unconscious denials and resistances around repairing the past and reclaiming our creativity thus revealing ways to discover and share our talents and wisdom to become a force for change in ourselves and in the lives of others.