December Broadcast Schedule

POSTED December 22, 2021 IN
Archived Broadcast Schedules

The “Airing” dates below indicate when radio stations air our programs. FREE LISTENING for each program is available for two weeks following the initial air date.  Just go to our Home Page and scroll down to Free Listening.  All of these featured MP3 programs are one hour long, and are available for purchase and download.

Glenn Aparicio Parry

Airing December 1 – 7, 2021

Beyond informational Thinking To Connective Thinking
with Glenn Aparicio Parry, Ph.D.
Program 3555

Glenn Parry believes that the way to cure our planetary challenges begins with a return to original thought. The way we think and interact with nature and each other, he says, affects everything. He believes that the shift to linear thinking is not our natural way, and explains that our rational thought is different from the kind of thought that connects us to the universe.

Airing December 8 – 14, 2021

Waking Up To “Real” Reality As Taught By The Buddha
with Robert Thurman, Ph.D.
Program 3739

Buddhism is not a religion but is an engagement with “real” reality. The entire Buddhist tradition is built on a philosophical scientific foundation. The Buddha was more a scientist than a religious teacher. Here we explore how we can tap into “real” reality by removing the veils of ignorance and make our life count with evolutionary skill.

Airing December 15 – 21, 2021

The Trials And Tribulations Of A Somali Desert Nomad
with Shugri Said Salh
Program 3743

Salh is the last person in her direct lineage to have lived as a nomad and keeper of her family stories. Her beloved country of Somalia was changed forever by a civil war. Her grandmother imbued her with resilience, courage, love of poetry, and storytelling. Salh shares her journey from the deserts of East Africa to the green pastures of Northern California.

Airing December 22 – 28, 2021

Psychedelics: Medicine Or Drug?
with Richard Miller, Ph.D.
Program 3742

Miller has reviewed and conducted interviews with leading scientists in America who are investigating the effects on humans of psychedelic medicines such as LSD, MDMA. This has revealed that certain psychedelic medicines administered by proper protocol, have shown that altered states of consciousness can facilitate creativity and psychophysical healing.

Dean Sluyter

Airing December 29 – January 4, 2022

The Many Vehicles Of Meditation
with Dean Sluyter
Program 3540

Sluyter says not to worry about thoughts during our meditation; they are inevitable. Often we must deal with such sounds as voices or traffic rolling by. He instructs that, “It’s all a texture of the silence, which actually you are at your core. It’s just resting in what you are in your own essence.” He also suggests that we find the meditation style that suits us.


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