Image source: Dreamstime | ©Ml12nan
At the creation of New Dimensions Radio we were privileged to spend some quality time with R. Buckminster Fuller, affectionately called Bucky. He was the inventor of the geodesic dome and coined the term “Spaceship Earth.” His innovative and positive vision of the future was infectious and remains with us to this very day.
He often talked about how we, as little individuals, can and do make a difference. He often used the metaphor of the trim tab factor. To understand this phenomenon, he reminded us that we live in a complex, adaptive system where everything is intricately interconnected. It is a multidimensional web of life. A small change in this vast web can, and does, affect the whole.
He asked us to imagine a large ocean-going ship. To turn this enormous vessel in a new direction one must first adjust the trim tab, a miniscule rudder that runs the length of the larger rudder; once the trim tab is turned, the larger rudder follows. In fact, there are no mechanics yet devised that could turn the large rudder against the momentum of such a massive vessel without breaking it off. Only by first applying pressure to the trim tab will the larger rudder even begin to move, thereby changing the direction of the ship.
Today I’m asking you to be a trim tab factor by becoming a financial supporter of this on-going broadcasting endeavor. Consider making an ongoing monthly donation to New Dimensions. Your Sustaining Membership continues uninterrupted for as long as you wish, helping to sustain the continuation of the broadcasting of these voices and visions.
Thank you,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-Founder, Volunteer Executive Director & Host
New Dimensions Radio