A Message from Justine Willis Toms

POSTED August 31, 2015 IN
What's New
dear listeners

Image source: Bigstock | ©Yastremska

You Are a Powerful Partner

I want to thank you in advance for being such a powerful partner and supporter of the New Dimensions broadcasts. Your most generous contributions are a MAJOR help in New Dimensions overall financial health.

I’m asking you to consider a substantial donation at this time. If you are like me, you find your email and mailboxes are cluttered with political ads and other requests for financial aid, which cause us to suffer from a sort of attention fatigue. New Dimensions donations are dwindling because of this crowded landscape.

Why We’re Here

Justine Willis TomsIt’s my most sincere hope that you will respond positively to this request, because New Dimensions has and is making a big difference in people’s lives. As you know our special programming is unlike any other in that it lifts us out of despair, widens our field of vision, and encourages us to join the tribe of life-long learners. New Dimensions has the quality of keeping us in the position of an ever-widening landscape. It keeps us from setting up our tent in the village of despair and hopelessness. We don’t know the outcome of this journey, but we know it will be more amazing as we continue to walk it together.

What We’re Working On

  • Stabilizing our software platform

    Our most recent accomplishment has been to move our entire website to a much more stable platform. This was a MAJOR AND MOST SUCCESSFUL UNDERTAKING. I must admit that we were holding our breath as this move was happening.

  • Enhanced services for listeners

    Now that we have this stable platform from which to work, we have the opportunity TO BE ABLE TO EXPAND OUR SERVICES. New services would include a way for listeners to be in dialogue, not only with us, but with our guests, in two-way communication.

  • Giving the gift of New Dimensions

    In addition, we’d like to make it possible for listeners to GIFT OTHERS WITH NEW DIMENSIONS MP3 PROGRAMS. As you are inspired, you will be able to pass these on to friends and family. Another feature would be to make it easier for listeners to search our website, for instance by providing a way to sort the programs by date of recording. We’d also like to establish a LISTENING APP FOR iPhones, tablets, and Android phones. This will help make New Dimensions more mobile.

  • Inspirational quotes from our guests

    And, a most exciting new service is that we are on the brink of adding inspirational quotes from our guests. This has enormous potential to inspire listeners with 2-minute pieces that will be easy to share with others as well.

Can You Help?

As you know, New Dimensions programming reveals the pathway to a greater creativity and resilience that is deeply needed in these times.

Your donation would make it possible for us to begin to pursue new services. And to stabilize our budget.

It will help us continue to inspire listeners as we nurture the dialogue toward the changing of an age for a better world for all. There are many other services that are just waiting to be implemented when the financial help is in place.

Won’t you please consider a substantial donation at this time?

Justine signature



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    We are a 501(c3) not-for-profit educational foundation. We depend on listeners to sustain this life enhancing broadcast. Donations are tax-deductible.

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