The legacy of authentic indigenous healing practices and traditional shamanism is disappearing. Marie-Rose Phan-Lê is doing her part to preserve this precious human resource, which has gifts to give humankind in these challenging times. She has traveled the world seeking healers who have been trained in some of the most ancient healing traditions on the planet. This dialogue covers a few of the highlights of her travels to Hawaii, Nepal, Peru, and other places of healing. Early on in her heroine’s journey she was brought in front of the camera by the Hawaiian Kahuna, Papa K. This changed her life and allowed us to be witness to her most profound journey, as depicted in her documentary and companion book. She says, “That was the moment where I crossed the line from behind the camera to in front of the camera. I left the ordinary world and there was no turning back.” Every healer she encountered gave her a gift and entrusted her with their stories. In this rich and deep dialogue, she brings these stories back to us.