People wish to be settled. Only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American transcendentalist
“This quote inspires me because I know, in my own life, in many ways I would like to just be comfortable and go along. However, I realize that that is a trap. If I stay on a path that’s not in my best interest that’s been dictated by another narrative or an old story, then my only hope is to leave that, to wake up out of that. Also as someone who’s committed to doing the best I can to bring the message of compassion for animals, the vegan message, to the world, I’m very aware of this. We all like to be settled. We don’t like to be questioned. We like to think that the narrative that we receive from our society is always right and yet we understand that there’s never going to be any positive evolution without transformation, without change, without questioning. So, this to me is a beautiful reminder that it’s very healthy to step outside of our comfort zone and to also, in a loving way, to help others to step outside of their comfort zones and to introduce another way of looking at things that can allow us to move in a new direction, to move forward. So, as Emerson says, ‘People wish to be settled. Only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.’ And I think at a deep level we wish also to be unsettled because that’s where the freedom comes to make New Dimensions possible.”
Will Tuttle, Ph.D. author of
The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony