Reality is a consensual hunch.
Richard Miller, Ph.D. author of Psychedelic Medicine:
The Healing Powers Of LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin, and Ayahuasca
“My favorite quote is from myself. And how it inspires me is that it reminds me that the reality we think we have before us is only one of many, many realities. The reality that’s before us is one that has derived from a lot of people who have gotten together and who have agreed that this is a particular reality. This is called a reality based on the consensus of people seeing it that way. But I’m always reminded that another whole group of people, coming from a whole different culture, or a whole different way of life, might see the exact same reality and see it in a markedly different way, and relate to it in a markedly different way. And so, I say, reality is a consensual hunch.”
Richard Miller, Ph.D. author of Psychedelic Medicine:
The Healing Powers Of LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin, and Ayahuasca