The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871-1922) French novelist and essayist.
One of the most influential writers of the 20th century.
“In my own life and journey of exploration, often it isn’t that something new has popped up but my awareness has expanded to actually be able to see differently. I feel we’re on a cusp of seeing reality with new eyes. It’s not that it wasn’t there before and now we’ve just discovered it; it’s that we’ve, in a way, had our eyes closed to the deeper nature of reality. We’ve seen the appearance of reality as being duality-based and materialistic, and separated. Scientific evidence now is coming forward and finally catching up with universal spiritual experiences and explorations into consciousness to show the deeper nature of reality. The true nature of reality is that it is unified, and diversified, and profoundly interconnected. Consciousness isn’t something we have, it’s literally what we and the whole world are and that is so empowering and inspiring for me. I just want to share the good news with everybody.”
Jude Currivan, Ph.D., author of The Cosmic Hologram:
Information at the Center of Creation