Since 1973, when New Dimensions Radio started recording and distributing deep dialogues with practical wisdom, we have looked to persons like yourself to provide the major funding of our broadcasting endeavor. As a listener and supporter, you know the value of truthful and inspiring media.
Please consider becoming a member with a financial contribution to support the continued broadcasts of these creative and inspiring dialogues.
These are challenging times, when it is more important than ever for the voices of sanity, clarity, and compassion to be heard. New Dimensions is a bright light in the media darkness. Your membership support keeps it shining. Please give as generously as you are able as together we continue to broadcast the best and brightest ideas that empower and enlighten listeners worldwide.
With deep gratitude,
Justine Willis Toms,
Co-founder, Creative Producer, Host
I’m very impressed with Justine Willis Toms’ ability to draw out the guests and bring depth to whatever the topic is. So, I felt very honored to be included among the guests since I’ve been a listener all these years and have always been captivated by the guests on the program. I am very appreciative of Justine symbolically taking my hand as a guest and leading me to an expression of ideas that I think are important.
Rabbi Paul J. Citrin is a retired Rabbi
who continues to teach in synagogues
and community centers.
He’s the author of I Am My Prayer:
A Memoir and Guide for Jews and Seekers
You can make an annual membership donation, set up a secure and reliable monthly RECURRING donation – OR – make a single donation here. We are pleased to be able to send you a thank you gift for your donation of $45 or more.