In order to make the website more effective and easier to navigate we’ve updated the design.
Your donations have made this redesign possible. Our funding comes from committed individuals like you who align their financial resources with their values and vision for the world.
Also, please know that we continue to need your financial support to support these unique and on-going deep dialogues with some of the world’s most innovative, enlightened, and trustworthy wisdom leaders as it sows the seeds of encouragement and competence that, together, we can meet the challenges of the 21st century.
For more than 50 years, people have donated to New Dimensions Radio with confidence. You may donate securely online with a credit card or PayPal. Or mail a check to New Dimensions Radio, 143 Colgan Ave. #1103, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.
Please know that we won’t ever sell your name or email address.
New Dimensions is a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our official name as listed with the IRS is “New Dimensions Foundation.”
Thank you for your most kind consideration,
Justine Willis Toms
Co-founder, Volunteer Executive Director, and Host
You can make an annual membership donation, set up a secure and reliable monthly RECURRING donation – OR – make a single donation here.