Wonder, awe, and imagination are the active ingredients for a passionate and creative life. Justine Willis Toms is fond of saying, “Whatever you give your fullness to will take you where you need to go.” And when you add curiosity to the mix you’ll have access to a wider landscape. Here are four Programs selected from our archive to help you become your own anthropologist of the imagination.
A sense of wonder is an active ingredient in a passionate life. Even suffering and restlessness can be seen with curiosity, says Levoy. Making space in our minds for the unknown, and allowing creativity to flow, he says, can keep us from being pulled into the “burden of purpose.” Levoy talks of the powerful effects of small actions and the importance of saying “yes.” Read more »
Program 3777
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Vanhoenacker opens our vision to a more expansive landscape. He says, “I get to so see so much of the urban world, in particular, and it’s a joy for me to share it as best I can… Travel is a miracle and is something that would have amazed almost all humans who have ever lived to be able to travel the way some of us do now.” Read more »
Program 3603
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Cathy Wild suggests that there is no set formula for the creative process and that it is our natural state, our birthright. She gives advice on the importance of knowing yourself deeply, which sustains the creative process. She also talks about how to cope with resistance and how to remain calm and vulnerable once your gift is presented to the world. Read more »
Program 3727
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Here we explore the complex emotion of awe which frequently involves a sense of surprise, unexpectedness, or mystery. Wonder and awe have many benefits and here you’ll find many ways to invite more of these most positive emotions into your life. Klein shares many inspiring examples of how we can tap into the power and benefits of awe. Read more »