Neurotoxins: The Invisible Pandemic with Brant Cortright, Ph.D.

March 17, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
Brant Cortright, Ph.D.
The brain is exquisitely sensitive and responsive to its inner and outer environment. New neural pathways and new brain cells are continuously forming, and, at the same time, the brain is constantly pruning unused connections. It’s extremely complex with its multiple feedback loops, redundant protective mechanisms, its vast number of…

Play Is More Than Just Fun with Stuart Brown, M.D.

February 24, 2021
Read Time: 2 minutes
Stuart Brown
Play is something that’s deeply embedded in our natures. It contributes to mood, to optimism, and to hope for the future. It enables us with the ability to persevere. A world without it would be bleak indeed. Stuart Brown points out, “Play is a fundamental survival drive of humanity without which…

Warriors For The Human Spirit with Margaret J. Wheatley, Ph.D.

February 10, 2021
Read Time: 1 minute
In this time of constant distractions and disappointments we become exhausted and heartsick as our good work is ignored. Wheatley speaks with fierce honesty as she gives us the map of where we are. She also gives us tools that enliven and reinvigorate us in our work and relationships. She…

Listening Is A Personal Pilgrimage with Mark Nepo, Ph.D.

December 2, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo describes deep listening as a very active and engaging process, a pilgrimage of sorts. It is an act of opening our hearts to whatever is before us. This is ultimately a transformative journey that is constantly unfolding and emerging. Deep listening informs our friendships, our giving and receiving,…

Stop Waiting To Live The Life You Love with Kristen Moeller

November 25, 2020
Read Time: 2 minutes
Kristen Moeller
Imagine having all of your possessions go up in smoke. Kristen Moeller describes herself as a former “self help junkie” but when her home and all of her belongings burned in a raging wildfire she realized that she had only dipped her toes into the waters of living the life she longed…

Learning To Love Well – Thoughts On A Long-Lasting Relationship with Linda Carroll

July 29, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Linda Carroll
Linda Carroll shares her professional and personal insights into the reality of maintaining a lasting, loving relationship. She describes the stages of relationships, each with distinct characteristics and accompanying lessons. There’s an evolution happening within each relationship that forces us to make important decisions about ourselves and the trajectory of…

Igniting And Sustaining Your Genius with Michael Gelb, Ph.D.

July 22, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Michael Gelb
How can we keep that sparkle and lively energy that we enjoyed as a child? Gelb suggests it can be done by raising our qi or vital energy. He has some simple practices that can immediately turn our low energy into exuberance. He says, “Some people had that energy when they…

Healing Through Focused Journaling with Catherine Ann Jones

July 15, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Catherine Ann Jones
Jones gives practical advice as to how we can engage in deep inner work through focused journaling. She shares exercises that can act as powerful tools in reframing the pieces of our past and our life stories, so that suffering becomes meaningful and can boost our healing, empowerment, growth, and…

Reimagining A Religion That Feeds Your Soul with Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

July 8, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Thomas Moore
Church attendance continues to decline as many of us abandon the religious institutions of our youth. However, in today’s culture the search for the sacred has never been more active. Thomas Moore suggests that nature, art, and accessing the wealth of traditional spiritual wisdom can be of enormous help in…

Replacing Automatic Habits With Creative Possibilities with Arjuna Ardagh

July 1, 2020
Read Time: 1 minute
Arjuna Ardagh
Arjuna Ardagh describes enlightenment as an ongoing process rather than an arrival at some fixed point. He prefers talking about awakening which suggests motion and an on-going unfoldment. The kind of coaching that he advocates is one that goes beyond the achievement of goals. He emphasizes the pursuit of your deepest longing.…

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