At The Heart Of Loneliness with Kira Asatryan
Despite being connected 24/7 with others, post-modern life is replete with loneliness. Kira Asatryan says the antidote to loneliness is a matter of feeling connected, valued, and cared about.
Knowing The Nature Of Your Elemental Personality with Debra Silverman
Debra Silverman suggests that each of us has basic personality traits that can be seen in the context of the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire. Understanding which element is most prevalent in your personality and which ones are weak will help you to understand what is missing…
The Many Vehicles Of Meditation with Dean Sluyter
Have you ever tried to meditate regularly but had trouble sticking to it? Have you told yourself that you just don’t have enough discipline to sit and tame your mind, rest in the space between thoughts, or achieve a completely blank mind? Dean Sluyter advocates what he calls natural meditation.…
Beyond Informational Thinking To Connective Thinking with Glenn Aparicio Parry, Ph.D.
Glenn Parry believes that the way to cure our planetary challenges begins with a return to original thinking. The way we think and interact with nature and each other, he says, affects everything. As long as we divide things up as animate and inanimate, as living and not living we…
The Direct Route To Abiding Peace with Gail Brenner, Ph.D.
Are we limited, damaged, and inadequate? Gail Brenner says we are not. She understands that the self-help movement can be useful, but believes that we possess the capacity to spontaneously find inner peace. She shares ideas for shedding the stories and thought patterns that bring about negative feelings. “The end of…
Personal Life Contracts – Being Accountable To Yourself with Joel Fotinos
Contracts are used to lay out expectations and responsibilities of the parties involved. We take them very seriously in business and law. Joel Fotinos believes that we should take our own goals just as seriously and create personal contracts to hold ourselves accountable in our pursuit of excellence. His philosophy…
Developing Our Natural Resilience with Linda Graham
Graham assures us that we can rewire neural networks in our brain and build resilience to the point that positive emotions become almost a default reaction. Positive emotions are natural in easy times but more difficult to evoke in hard times. Resilience and positive emotions are inseparable. Linda Graham explains…
Four Keys For Thriving In Chaotic Times with Justine Willis Toms, DHL
Consciousness is changing for the better. Along with this leap in consciousness there is some amount of chaos. Toms presents four keys to finding and maintaining our true compass, our true direction in the midst of this great turning. She compares this time to that of a caterpillar inside the…
Neurotoxins: The Invisible Pandemic with Brant Cortright, Ph.D.
The brain is exquisitely sensitive and responsive to its inner and outer environment. New neural pathways and new brain cells are continuously forming, and, at the same time, the brain is constantly pruning unused connections. It’s extremely complex with its multiple feedback loops, redundant protective mechanisms, its vast number of…
Play Is More Than Just Fun with Stuart Brown, M.D.
Play is something that’s deeply embedded in our natures. It contributes to mood, to optimism, and to hope for the future. It enables us with the ability to persevere. A world without it would be bleak indeed. Stuart Brown points out, “Play is a fundamental survival drive of humanity without which…