Creating Effective Flow And Collaboration In Your Life with Cathy and Gary Hawk
Working in collaboration with others takes skill and attention: often it will include changing our mindset. One of the most effective ways of moving with ease in all your life’s endeavors, whether it is a solitary path or it is in collaboration with others, is to learn how to read…
Wisdom For A Global Tribe with Alan Briskin
In an uprising of collective wisdom in 2008, the American electorate upended the political paradigm to elect a President who stood for hope, change, and the ideals of a progressive agenda. Is there a way to identify the principles that allowed that process to unfold, and apply them to further the…
Reclaiming Our Time And Moving Away From Busy Behavior with Yvonne Tally
Busyness is not just a behavior; it’s an attitude that claims ownership of our time. Moving away from busy behavior takes more than just solutions. It requires us to discover the motivation underneath our behavior. As we understand what’s driving us we’ll be better able to make changes and reclaim…
Removing The Emotional Hooks Of Conflict with Stewart Levine
Attorney Stewart Levine loved the legal profession because of the ideals it represented. But when he realized the practice of law rarely allowed him to consider human values along with property values, he took down his shingle and became an expert in resolving conflicts in a way that preserves relationships…
Meditation: The Gardening Of The Heart with Gary Gach
We all aspire to live a purposeful and meaningful life. Gach tells us that daily meditation and setting our intentions will point us in the right direction for living mindfully. Mindfulness doesn’t need to be an intermittent part of our life, like a faucet that turns off and on; it…
Rebooting Our Innate Brilliance with Arjuna Ardagh
Ardagh describes enlightenment as an on-going process rather than as an arrival at some fixed point. He shares the life path that has taken him through many self-improvement processes and many spiritual paths while searching for enlightened transcendence, including being a successful entrepreneur. It was as he was recovering from…
The Spiritual Power Of Heartbreak with Susan Piver
“Love is the least safe thing there is. It’s fierce. You can’t domesticate it. It’s wild. When you find it you should rejoice. When you lose it you should grieve.” So says Susan Piver, because she knows the joy of loving, the devastating groundlessness of betrayal, and the deep crushing loss…
Why We Love Our “Stuff” And The Stories It Tells with Lisa Tracy
It is hard to let go of things – so much so that in the U.S. we spend more than twenty billion dollars a year on self-storage units. Besides dealing with our own stuff, many of us are finding we are also dealing with our parents’ and grandparents’ stuff as…
Writing As A Way To An Awakened Life with Albert Flynn DeSilver
DeSilver describes how writing from the body rather than the head is a visceral experience that connects us with our intuition. He says, “Everybody is a creative person. It’s a matter of where you have been putting your attention. . . This is an invitation to reconnect with the power of…
Living With Less Fear with Dean Sluyter
As life unfolds, we all experience many successes as well as challenges. Sluyter warns us that “we get distracted by the good and the bad shiny objects. We get caught up in stuff and then we come to define our lives in terms of how things work out.” He reminds us of…