The Timeless and Urgent Wisdom of Joseph Chilton Pearce with Michael Mendizza
The deepening of personal transformation is an ongoing act of self-discovery and we’re standing on the shoulders of the many pioneers in the study of the astonishing capacities of the human mind and spirit. One such pioneer is the late Joseph Chilton Pearce, whose work has encompassed many decades of…
Tapping Into The Powerful Resource of Effective Prayer With Guy Finley
As children we often used prayer to ask for something from an invisible and mysterious divine power. And, even as adults, we may still send our petitions to God or whomever we call on as the source of creative powers. This deep dialogue explores the best use of prayer and…
Living Into Our Greater Potential with Thomas Huebl
Thomas Huebl describes two competencies that can improve the art of living. He says the first competency is silence so we may know ourselves more intimately. “[W]e allow within ourselves, more centeredness, more spacious awareness, and more seeing of our own inner-process: my thinking, my feeling, my body sensations. So…
A New Scientific Paradigm Where Consciousness Is Fundamental And Matter Is Derived From It with Mark Gober
Scientific materialism is the reigning paradigm of scientific inquiry. It is the notion that physical matter is fundamental in the universe. Materialism assumes that matter produces consciousness and holds that the brain produces consciousness. Therefore, when your brain dies, your consciousness dies. Gober has compiled extensive research that turns scientific…
Balancing Our Chakra System For Emotional And Spiritual Healing with Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
Energy is at the core of everything. It’s the currency of existence. Anodea Judith substitutes the word “charge” for energy. It’s easy to relate to the idea of being charged up about something or having a charge about an issue. This charge relates to our life-force energy and can be…
A Premonition About Premonitions with Larry Dossey, M.D.
More than half the population has reported having a dream or intuition that later came true. Larry Dossey has examined thousands of anecdotes along with the growing mountain of research, and brings amazing stories, compelling data, and fascinating theories about what it all means for us as individuals, and as…
Living In Meaningful Coincidence: Reflections Of A Physicist with F. David Peat, Ph.D.
Physicist F. David Peat is one of the most interesting and innovative thinkers of our time. In this reflective look at the synchronicities of his life, Peat reminisces about his friendship with colleagues like fellow physicist David Bohm, brain researcher Roger Penrose, sculptor Anish Kapoor and high school physics teacher…
Understanding Everything with Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.
What is the cosmos made of at its most fundamental level? Where does consciousness exist in the physical world? How does it fit into our understanding of evolution? What can you and I do to ensure the evolution of our species continues beyond the next generation? Ervin Laszlo has a…
The Eternal and Infinite Nature of the Self with Rupert Spira
This teacher of non-dualism sheds light on the essential teachings of what is known as “the direct path.” Almost everybody believes that whatever it is we are seeing is something that is outside ourselves. This leads to a most vexing question for science: How is consciousness derived from the brain?…
Impermanence And Interconnectedness with Bodhipaksa
Bodhipaksa helps us find our way through past experiences and habitual reactions to build up a sense of oneness, stillness, and perfectness.